Reading stats for 2015 2018


As 2015 has come to an end, it’s time for another short look at my reading for the past year – courtesy of Goodreads. At first look, I shelved even less books than in 2014 (well, one less). The page count tells a different story though, with Goodreads reporting around 7600 pages read in 2015 – not counting the short story collection I started in December and not finished yet – about 830 pages more than in 2014, but still less than the peak in 2013. The higher page count reflects that over the past year I preferred longer novels to short stories, the largest being Anathem and the Prince of Nothing series, each counting thousands of pages. I am usually conservative with my ratings, and this year was no different: I ended up rating most books I finished 3 or 4 stars. Another thing I noticed is that I am rarely impressed with new releases: I bought both Something coming through and Binti as pre-releases on Amazon and both ended up in my 2-stars shelf. So I think for the future I will wait until a couple of reviews are published before jumping into new territory.

My Goodreads reading stats for 2015

This year Goodreads introduced a new way of visualizing reading stats with a dedicated page showing more detailed info, such as the least and most popular book among Goodreads users, the average length of books read by me (about 350 pages apparently) and average rating (3.4 stars, which sounds pretty accurate).

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