Ezoic: Best Tool To Increase Website Ad Revenue


If your AdSense Ad revenue is continuously dropping over the past year and you are tired of trying every possible method to increase your website's Ad revenue - changing Ad Placements, trying different Ad formats, seeing blank ad spots on your blog - and still not seeing results then this means you are amongst millions of AdSense publishers who are facing this problem on daily basis. Just like you optimize your blogs, you also need to optimize your website's ad slots in order to maximize your AdSense earnings.

Ezoic: Best Tool To Increase Website Ad Revenue

This is one disappointing comment by one of our readers:

Mohammad I am in deep trouble now. I used to get few dollars a day which suddenly changed into few cents for past two months. I am very sad and helpless. I thought it would change back. Very low earnings for twice the visits as earlier. Please help me bro. I am willing to give u my password if necessary.

We can't blame Google for this because they already informed us to optimize our unsold Ad inventories with DFP or DoubleClick Ad Exchange. Google even recommends doing A/B testing or split testing. All such recommendations are no less than a headache because each requires a lot of time and technical skills. As a result we need a more user friendly and handy auto-pilot Ad monetization system that could systematically test many different ad sizes and locations to determine the best combination of ads on any given webpage of our sites and thus displaying high bidding Ads on our blogs by maximizing the value of every impression.

After we started seeing too many AdSense Blank Spaces on our network blogs and received complaints from clients who were experiencing a consistent drop in their AdSense income due to lower RPM, I started doing a detailed research on several ad monetization tools as a computer engineer to find out how come some websites are displaying over 3 AdSense content units on their sites and almost all ad slots are displaying ads on every single page with no blank spaces. I wondered how could some bloggers violate AdSense's restriction by displaying 5 AdSense Ads on each page?

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This thorough investigation led me to an advanced Monetization tool called Ezoic which is a renown Google Certified Publishing Partner that helps publishers to optimize their website ad revenue. The best thing that I liked about Ezoic is that using it is completely free. Ezoic truly increases website ad revenue and helps you to display up to 5 AdSense Ads per page with no blank spaces.

In today's case study I will give you a detailed demonstration of how to setup Ezoic for your blog or website. In my coming tutorials I will guide you on how to add Ezoic ad slots in different sections of your blogger blog.

Ezoic Helped Us Display Over 5 AdSense Content Units!

After just 15 minutes of setting up Ezoic on one of our network blogs "Rich Income Ways" which is hosted on Wordpress, I was able to show over 5 AdSense Content Units on every single page of it with not a single empty space! The ads come from Google’s Doubleclick ad exchange as well as a number of other ad networks and exchanges who all bid for the inventory.

See the screenshots below:

Showing 5 AdSense Ads Per Page

     Showing 5 AdSense Ads Per Page

All we had to do was to install Ezoic code on different locations of our site and then allow it to display best performing Ads for different screen sizes i.e. Mobile, Tablet and Desktop.

Ezoic automatically displays different ad sizes for different devices on your site. You can choose easily which devices should see your ad and what sizes of ads should be shown in your selected ad units. All this is done with a simple click of a mouse using Ezoic's Ad Tester App.

Ezoic Ad Tester App

Choose to test ads on different devices

Our Ad Revenue Increased by almost 200%

UPDATE: Our revenue now increased by 1200% ! =)

We installed Ezoic as a test on RichIncomeWays just 3 days ago that is 27th Jan, 2016. We were almost receiving no lucrative earning from this blog so to be safe, I used it to experiment if Ezoic's claims of doubling your Ad revenue were true or not. 

Our monthly AdSense revenue from this blog was almost negligile i.e. $8/month. Which means on average we were making $0.27/day.  See the screenshot below:

adsense monthly earnings


200% increase in AdSense revenu


But see it for yourself a blog which was literally making nothing is now generating upto $1.40 per day thanks to ezoic. Which means approximaltely $6/week and $24/mon.  If your maths is good you can analyze that this means a straight 200% Increase! [(24-8)/8 x 100 = 200%]

See the screenshot below:

ezoic optimized earnings

UPDATE: This is the updated snapshot after a 1200% increase in revenue. RIW is now making $10 a day while it was making just $0.27 previously! =)

Ezoic Increased Adsene Revenue by 1200%


What's bad in receiving a free cash of $24/mon from an already dead blog? What’s even better is the system will continue to find the best ad placements based on user interaction, so I expect our Earnings Per Thousand Visitors (EPMV) to gradually increase over time.

This significant increase in our daily AdSense earnings is what that forced me to write this long customer review of Ezoic out of goodwill for their excellent technology which surely deserves to be publicized as much as possible to help disappointed publishers to improve their dropping ad revenue.

I will keep experimenting with this amazing tool to test Ads on two of my others sites also and will keep updating you with a detailed case study of their progress.

Why Use Ezoic When AdSense's Dashboard already exists?

Ad revenue optimization is what Google recommends too and this is one reason why Google gives permission to private agencies through its Certified Publishing Program to help Google in promoting their Ad network.

Managing ads directly from AdSense dashboard is recommended only for small publishers who earn less than $50-$100 but if your blog or website is capable of making more than that then you must use free Ad Monetization tools like Ezoic which uses artificial intelligence to optimize your CPMs and automatically displays the highest paying AdSense Ads on your websites without loosing a single impression caused due to empty boxes or blank spaces.

A Blank space appears on your site when AdSense is not able to find enough advertisers that are interested in your content, here is where advanced tools like Ezoic comes to your rescue which is programmed to make sure every slot is filled with highest bidding ads thus helping you to double your website Ad revenue. 

How do your receive payments from Ezoic?

Unlike AdSense which pays mostly through Wire transfer, EFT or Western Union, Ezoic pays you straight through paypal, Dwolla, check or Payoneer. The minimum payment threshold is $20.

ezoic payment threshold

There are a number of payment methods you can choose from including:

1) Check - requires name and address

2) Paypal - requires only paypal address

3) Dwolla Email - requires only Dwolla email address

4) Dwolla ID - requires only Dwolla ID

5) US Bank Transfer Via Payoneer - will deposit money directly into your domestic account

6) International Bank Transfer Via Payoneer - will deposit your money directly into your international account in the currency of your country

Important Tips To use Ezoic's Apps and Tools

Using Ezoic is extremely simple thanks to its 24/7 Live help and support system. I will only give you a quick helicopter view of the technology used by this revenue boosting tool.  Testing with Ezoic gives you the following three benefits:

  1. Increased Ad Revenue
  2. Access to Google's ad Exchange where thousands of advertisers bid for your unsold inventory.
  3. Most importantly the ability to show 5 ads per page!

First watch this simple video which I found really useful while setting up ezoic.

I am sure this video is self explanatory but I will share some detailed tips that will help you make the most out of ezoic.

1. Change Name Servers Option While Integrating

The most common way to integrate your site with Ezoic is to update your site’s name servers. This allows Ezoic to optimize the ad sizes and locations automatically. Changing nameservers wont affect your site's health nor will you experience any down time. Do backup your old domain name serves if in case you wished to switch back.

Another option is to install Ezoic's code on your blogger blog or wordpress blog. It is a simple script that you need to add just below starting head tag.

Since I am using Hostgator I could easily change default hostgator nameservers to that of ezoic using the Launchpad Domain hosting management tool.

Changing name servers to ezoic

2. Apply for Google's Ad Exchange

On your Ezoic dashboard you should see a new check box that says "Apply for Google's Ad Exchange". I would suggest you go ahead and fill this out, since you will gain access to thousands of ad networks and advertisers who want to bid for your site’s inventory using Google’s ad exchange.

3. Let Ezoic manage your AdSense account

This program provides Ezoic system a read only access to your AdSense account to use it as a control for testing.This also allows the Ezoic system to pull your AdSense stats into the Ezoic dashboard for reporting. This allows you to do a direct comparison of how the Ezoic ads are performing in comparison to your original ad units.

optimized AdSense earnings

This option will provide you with different in-depth insights on how your ads are performing for different mobile/desktop/tablet devices:

Optimized AdSense earnings Chart

You will also be able to check your earnings through filters. You can choose how your ads are performing in different countries, devices and find what are the traffic sources and landing pages.

Ezoic reports and filters

Ezoic easily integrates with your AdSense account to manage your account in auto-pilot mode. I recently allowed Ezoic to manage my AdSense account by filling out a simple invite from Google. I have shared the invite link above.

Ezoic Managed AdSense Account


4. Must Install Mediation App

The mediation app will allow you to link your AdSense account to the Ezoic system. This will allow your AdSense to compete in the Ad Exchange for the ad inventory, ensuring that the highest bidder is always serving the ads for your site thus making you more money.

You can easily install it from Ezoic's appstore:

Ezoic Mediation App 

5. Do Install Ezoic Chrome Extension

In order to get maximum results from Ezoic it needs to test as many ad locations as possible. However, depending on a website structure and CMS, it sometimes can be difficult to add tens or hundreds of ad placeholders manually, so a better solution is using the new Ezoic Chrome Extension. It took me half an hour to install ad units manually on different sections of my blog but with this extension, it took just seconds.

Using this extension on your chrome browser, you can simply highlight-and-click to add new ad placeholders to your site and the Ezoic Platform will test them for you. Check the screenshot below which gives a quick demonstration of how can different ad sizes look on your site. You can then choose the best ad sizes based on ad location.

choosing different ad sizes and locations

Identify Error Pages That Wastes Revenue

Inside the monitoring page of ezoic you will find three options.

1. Platform updates are related to platform development news from ezoic

Ezoic Monitoring options

2. Error pages tells you which of your blog pages are causing revenue leakage or needs your attention to fix them.

Ezoic Error Pages

3. Google Updates keeps you updated with all Google algorithm updates made over the recent years. They also educate you on what exactly are these updates and how it could have affected your revenue. I am sure many of you know that Google Penguin and Panda updates were amongst the famous penalties that affected up to 70% of ad revenue for millions of publishers. Therefore staying updated with it is really important for all webmasters.

List of Google Algorithm Updates


Ezoic has its own App Store for Websites!

This app store is something which requires years of hard work to develop. Ezoic's app store has plenty of free and useful apps for websites. Using these apps you can choose to block ad placements, disable ads by page, block an advertiser, choose to show more than just 5 ads and so on.

Ezoic App Store

Amongst these I would categoricaly mention Ezoic's iOS App creator that helps you to convert your website's content to a native iOS app without the need for a developer. Apps are listed in the iTunes store and are compatible with iPhones, iPads, and iPods. Your iOS app will update as you update your website and will benefit from ongoing Ezoic improvements including additional ad services and evolving features.

iOS app creator

We recently created an android app for our blog but we lacked support for an iOS app. I guess this option could really save us both time and heavy development costs.

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How is your AdSense Earning Going on?

I just hope the above post may help you understand how important is it to optimize your website Ads using free tools like Ezoic. Forums and blogs are now filled with debates on dropping AdSense Income and lower RPMs. Most publishers are really disappointed at increased traffic but lower earnings. The actual reason is that webmasters today spend so much time optimizing their sites for search engines but they rarely try optimizing their ad locations and doing A/B testing. Testing Ads is surely a hectic work but without making up your mind to use a tool like ezoic you are only selling cents for dollars.

Do share your precious feedback and let us know if you are also experiencing a drop in Ad revenue. Feel free to ask me any queries related to ezoic. I would love to help as much as I can.

Wishing you a lucrative and ever increasing Ad Revenue! Peace and blessings buddies. =)

Summary Ezoic truly increases website ad revenue and helps you to display up to 5 AdSense Ads per page with no blank spaces.
My Blogger Tricks

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